Upon A Time

before time
pounded its fist on eternity
sowing a thousand
shards of light,
I dreamed myself into day.
Night follows close at my hem
ready to wrap me into rest.


Leafing through the past
Rice paper thin
Images flutter for freedom
Touching my mind like

Excerpt from the original poem “Family Picnic in Farnborough Woods”


I share her womb
My skin, pathetic protection
Against her unshed tears
My cells multiply in fluid where
Love and fear incubate
In a dance for dominance.

Excerpt from the original poem “Letting Go”

The Wardrobe

In stored solitude against a dusty sunbeam
Her absence stretched across glossed floors.
Her voice locked away between
Dresses hung empty, sheer painted silks
Untouched, ghosts holding court.

Excerpt from the original poem “The Wardrobe”


Rose in the Rubble

Monolith Rising

Armless Maiden

Forest Dwellers

Spirit Walk


I saw poetry brush against the skin
Of truth and
Something invisible
Breathing just above the crust of
What I thought I knew.
Excerpt from the original poem “Presents”

Raging Fire

The Cave


Leaving Space

Unflinching stillness
The narrow way
Behind the crust of Atom
To the space empty with God.
Excerpt from the original poem “Leaving Space”

Return of the Feminine

The blood of spilled
Experience leaves a faint stain
Its transparent fingerprint
Forever beyond the outer
Reaches of memory’s recollection.
Excerpt from the original poem “Family Picnic in Farnborough Woods”

Healing the Gulf

Coming up for Air

Serpentine Path

Field of Fire

Then a glimpse,
A blinding second sight
Into the feeding fields of miracles
In that instant just before the focus of a thought.
Excerpt from the original poem “In Sight”

Fierce Flower


40 Years and 40 Nights

Man of the Desert

Surrender with Crow




Me, placed, for safe keeping,
In a body
Like a zip lock bag
A chunk
Of life
To be lived.
Labeled in indelible ink
Contents: Use until finished.
Excerpt from the original poem “Gifts”

The Apprentice

We stretch and undulate like two cells
Sharing the same pregnant membrane that holds a space
Between thoughts and things and fears
Nothing is said, everything is heard in the net of insight
Distilled from the drippings of the ether’s teaming sheath
Information and directions pulling and pushing
Reduced to a rich mulch seeping a sound of sweet perfume.
Excerpt from the original poem “In Sight”


Listening to God

into a vibration sphere deep
seeping light, so wide, from roots infinite
in the blood of Life’s symphonic beat
Loud Beauty, breaking open hearts to reveal
That which was there in the Beginning

Taking a Stand

She fills the fonts of all religions
Regardless of their sin.There she stands in stark maturity
Cracked from neck to bowel
She leans against herself for support
Amidst the shallow shine of our time
Reflecting back to us her wisdom
Bearing witness to history’s awesome wake.

Excerpt from the original poem “The Witness”

Of The Heart

Loud Beauty, breaking open hearts to reveal
That which was there in the Beginning

Cosmic Sight

The Crossing

Thy Light Has Come

…And so it goes
Circulating forever wider
Reaching higher and higher
Drinking deep from eternal
Rivers etched indelibly
On the surface of our earth
Pointing us toward a light that
Reflects from infinite distance
Beckoning to Itself
To come home.